We cant believe its been 2 years the hurt and pain we all still feel will never go away. We wanted you to know we are all thinking or trying to think of the Fun and good times but babe its hard that your not here with us. So many things are have happened this year alone Julianne is at Winchester College studying Animal Management and its tough but she will achieve great things in life. Ronny is doing well at Nursery and weekly gets Badges and awards he is great little fella loads of spirt and will be going to school I September OMG time goes so quickly and will this pain ever go. Cloadgh and I have a few things up our selves and im sure you will be at our sides to guide us all the way. Any time you want to send us a kiss or cuddle we are all waiting or a feather.
Ronny,Sharon,Reg, Gucci & benji xxxxxxxxx always in our hearts